Saturday 6 February 2016

Life Lately

I feel like I haven't had a chance to catch up post-Christmas until just a few weeks ago. We may, or may not have just taken our tree down at the end of January and both of us have been swamped with work/other commitments/trying to get organized.

Kyle just finished re-finishing our cradle which used to be mine. It was pretty scratched up, but now it looks good as new and we've kept the original natural look to it which is gorgeous. He also whooped me in the DIY department, and managed to make a new mattress and sheets. This girl's not winning the homemaker award... but seriously, I'm married to an incredible man.

Last weekend, we also attended our prenatal class at the hospital. The most informative was probably the tour and learning more about the stages of labour. Least helpful was the weird breathing exercises, and watching the horrifying birth video (on VHS, filmed sometime in the seventies...)

We, okay I confess- Kyle, managed to get our carpets cleaned this week! They weren't in bad shape to begin with, but I figured we've lived here for almost three years- now was as good of a time as any. I'm not a fan of carpet to begin with, and after Kyle told me how filthy the water was...ugh, I look forward to the day we have our own house and I can have hardwood throughout.

We picked up our carseat today- which Kyle's parents are graciously gifting us. I still can't believe how many things there are for babies, my father-in-law was saying today in the store how someone could easily spend thousands of dollars in one stop. He was not kidding! Some of the items are outrageously expensive, like who are these people that spend $1500 on a highchair?! I love going baby shopping, and I'm glad we have been able to go with both sets of grandparents- we are blessed.

Looking forward: We are trying a new restaurant for Valentine's weekend, Tapa Vino which boasts itself to be Edmonton's best Tapas place. I've been dying to go there, so I can't wait- especially since it will be one of our last dates before baby arrives.

Also seeing "The Wizard of Oz" in a few weeks (fingers crossed babe stays put- since our tickets are just a week shy before he is due). Kyle got us tickets for Christmas, and it's always been one of my favorite productions to see.

Well I'm strangely full of energy and all I want to do is clean/organize/get projects done. This must be "nesting" haha, but my brain is telling me- no it's 11PM and time for bed. Night, y'all.

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