Tuesday 17 November 2015

Bump Update

How Far Along: 24 weeks, 5 days. Just 3 weeks away of starting my 3rd trimester! 

Weight Gained: +10lbs aprox. Everyone keeps telling me that I'm not very "big" for 6 months, whether that's due to this being a first baby or all the puking I did earlier- who knows. I don't mind, because it's nice to still (barely) fit into my pants and not be super uncomfortable yet.   

Symptoms: Nosebleeds fairly often (still blaming the winter air), slightly uncomfortable at night- but I had trouble getting to sleep pre-pregnancy so that's no surprise, and my feet seem to be slightly swollen- but nothing too bad. I'm considering myself pretty lucky so far, no heartburn, still sleeping through the night, and I haven't had to go buy a whole new wardrobe! 

Food Cravings: Fizzy water (still), and that's about it. I sometimes find I'm hungrier than usual- but I try and eat healthier things (proteins etc) so that I'm not filling up on crap. 

Food Aversions: Nothing now, I'm pretty much back to my normal eating habits. 

Sleep: For the most part good still, I have always had such a hard time settling at night so I try and have my phone put away at least 1/2 hour before bed and read instead. 

Stretch Marks: Nope.

Missing?: Fitting into my pants comfortably haha. 

Looking Forward To: Our next midwife appointment, at the beginning of December. It seems to be a really good "fit" for us. I don't feel rushed during appointments, I can ask all my questions and talk about any concerns. We are also getting our nursery ready, Kyle is awesome and spent last night finishing the drywall (one of the walls was unfinished)- and we picked up our crib last week. 

Gender: Little "Chewbacca" as we have now started referring, is a BOY. We are thrilled and I'm seriously wishing time away on the pregnancy so we can meet him haha. 

24 weeks


  1. I can't believe you're over halfway already! And your little bump is so cute.

  2. Thanks girl! Yeah, it's gone by pretty fast- however I find myself wishing away the time; trying to enjoy the present.
