Saturday 22 August 2015

On morning sickness and isolation.

Before I continue into the rest of my post, the term "morning sickness" should really be renamed "sick and exhausted all day, until you feel like giving up sickness". Silly, naive me thought I wouldn't be sick- or at least not terribly... and then week 6 happened. It takes a huge amount of effort to do the smallest tasks, and by the end of the day I'm done. Work is basically a long 8 hour stretch of seeing how I can be somewhat productive without throwing up multiple times, in addition trying to fake being well- because it is way too early for co-workers to know and I'm maxed on sick days.

I've tried every tip there is, and while some of them help- nothing has really "worked". I eat crackers and sip water in the morning/throughout the day. Flat ginger ale, and various candies sometimes ease the nausea too. The problem I've found is, I'm not consistent when I'm sick- so I don't really know when it'll hit. I'll be fine and able to scarf down McDonald's (yea that happened, judgers gonna judge)... and then a few hours later I'll be almost immobilized with nausea/exhaustion.

I think part of it (at least emotionally), is an internal battle as well. Kyle and I struggled with infertility for just over a year and a half. We were really lucky in that it only took me one round of clomid, for pregnancy to stick- and even though I'm grateful for that, it was still a really long, isolating road. I feel afraid to complain about pregnancy sickness etc now, because I remember how irritated I was when I would see someone pregnant, or hear them complaining- wishing so bad that would be me. Well, let me assure you friends who are struggling to get pregnant- when you are (and you will be!) don't feel bad about complaining. It's hard being sick, especially when you don't know how long it will last.

I think I'm going to take the plunge and ask my doctor for Diclectin. I was avid on not taking anything, but at the end of the day- if I'm not keeping any nutrients down for baby, then that's not healthy either.

So to all you mama's out there. Morning sickness remedies, or at least words of encouragement. Please?


  1. My "morning" sickness with Ginny, lasted all day every day for the first trimester. I lost 20lbs during that time (which I could afford to do, physically). I was never able to find a remedy, unfortunately. One tip I DO have though, is in regards to being put off by smells. I had an extreme aversion throughout all 9 months to ANYTHING cooked in a crockpot - a problem as we lived with Bryan's parents who are crock pot people - and the best solution I found was to rub a bit of toothpaste just under my nose and/or a bit on the nostrils. It helped considerably, and if the layer is thin enough it can't be seen.

    I hope your nausea subsides really soon!!!

    1. Thanks, TL! Ugh, yeah the nausea blows. I've been on diclectin which helps significantly, however smells are starting to bother me- I'll have to try your trick!

      I also lost a few pounds, which didn't hurt me however the dehydration isn't fun! I'm hoping it's going to ease up in the next few weeks.
