Wednesday 9 December 2015

Hello 3rd Trimester... Finally!

How Far Along: I'll be 28 weeks tomorrow, the "official" start of my 3rd trimester. Home stretch baby! 

Weight Gained: Not entirely sure, we have our next midwife appointment tomorrow- so I will get to weigh myself and find out. The pants officially aren't fitting so I am in leggings full time (I refuse to break down and get maternity pants- they are too expensive for such a short period of time, so leggings it is). I'm guessing about +15lbs total at this point, still doing fairly well. 
Symptoms: The nosebleeds continue, at least once or twice a week. I passed my glucose bloodwork which meant I could skip taking the infamous orange drink- glad about that! However, my iron levels are a bit on the low side... I would like to see if I can improve them via diet first before I start taking a supplement, since so many healthy foods are iron rich- I just need to be more conscious about it. 

Food Cravings: Same as always, fizzy water- nothing else really. The goal will be to keep the protein and iron up in our house. 

Food Aversions: Nothing really, sometime's I'm fussy as to what I want- but that was true pre-pregnancy as well ha!  

Sleep: It's really hit and miss, sometimes I have a great sleep and sometimes (like last night) I am tossing and turning most of it. Like hello, body- I don't have the baby yet- why are you awake?! I'm trying to save myself today with an eggnog chai latte from starbucks, but they put way too much chai in it. Le sigh, first world problems- I know.  

Stretch Marks: Nope.

Missing?: My pants. The leggings, although practical and comfy are getting a bit old. 

Looking Forward To: Our midwife appointment tomorrow, I always feel a giant sense of relief when I hear his heartbeat and that everything is progressing as it should. Also, I'm not really "sick of being pregnant"- just anxious and wishing he was here already!! I'm dying for March, it seems like the closer we get, the more impatient I am. We have almost all our essentials ready, the last thing is to pick up the cradle (which used to be mine) from my parents at Christmas as well as get a carseat (still researching!). 

Gender: Boy! The great name debate is still ongoing, though we probably won't officially share the choice (if we ever decide) until he is here. 


  1. I strongly recommend springing for maternity jeans. Old Navy always has good sales - I bought a pair of maternity skinnies there for probably $20, and then after Ginny was born I continued to wear them for 2 years until I finally busted the elastic on the panel from yanking on it so much. They were THE BEST pair of jeans I ever had. Also, hit thrift stores! I bought two other pairs of maternity jeans for only a couple bucks each.

    1. I'll have to check out old navy. The problem is I don't wear jeans at work, so weekends I find myself just fine with leggings- but we will see! I need to see if I can get into any of my dresses for the Christmas party this weekend haha.
