Thursday 12 March 2015

On Running.

So I've decided to take up running. Now, that sounds FAR more ambitious than it actually is- in reality I've started with baby steps (jogs?)... Honestly, I just thought it would be a more productive way to get my cardio time in at the gym, and I have a friend who challenged me; so I thought, why not.

Heidi's Tips for If you Start Running
*please take these with a grain of salt, as I'm about as novice as you can get ;) 

  1. If there is the possibility- find a running partner. My friend L has been a HUGE encouragement. She reminds me to stretch, keeps me accountable, and we are both slightly (ok, maybe more than slightly) competitive- so we push each other accordingly. If you don't physically have someone, that's ok too. Take your dog, check out The Running Room or another club. I personally just find doing this journey with someone is SO much better. Plus, you will have someone to complain to when you are SUPER sore the next day ;) 
  2. Pace yourself. You will not run a marathon in one day. I know that is an over simplified statement- but honestly, there is just as much of a practice in learning how to slow down as there is in pushing yourself to the limit. I've been using the Nike app, which I think is pretty popular- and on day 3 the goal was to do a "brisk walk", which honestly I was a little tempted to just run it. Now that I'm on the next day, which THANK GOD is listed as a "rest day" I understand pacing. I am tight. My shins/calves are workin! Which means that pacing/listening to your body is a good thing. 
  3. Invest in proper shoes. Need I say more? 
  4. Make sure you are warming up/cooling down properly. Also if you have access to a foam roller, either at the gym or at home. Holy mother yes. So so good/painful/good. 
  5. Ladies, make sure you have a proper sports bra. Again, nothing further needs to be said. 
  6. Be consistent. Yesterday, I was overall "blah" but just as other things in life... the times you least feel like going, are the times you most probably should be going. *Obviously still listen to your body during illness/injury and don't push through that! 
  7. Realize that your body temp will increase by quite a bit during running. You have to find what works for you, but as an example last night I went running. It was 0 (celcius), I wore: leggings, a tank, and a loose thin sweatshirt/longsleeve. By the time I was done 4.5 km I was a hot sweaty mess. 
  8. Figure out how best to track your times/without being glued to looking at the times. Running friends, any suggestions? Do you just use your phone, a running watch? Let me know what you love!
  9. Make a goal. This has been so, so, so important to me. I don't think I would be nearly as motivated if I wasn't working towards something. L and I are going to be running this 5K race. It is two of my favourite things: music and pie! Hello, how can you beat that? Seriously though, I think a goal/event makes it so much more tangible. 
  10. Love your body. Love yourself. No matter what. 


  1. Heidi, I am so stoked that you started running. Another potential running buddy is always a win in my books.

    I am a numbers junkie. As such I find tracking my paces/km/runs very motivating. I use a running watch to track my paces during my runs, but I use it as much as a tool to remind me to slow down on easy days as I do to push myself to faster paced.

    Not every run has to be a new personal record, the slow easy runs teach your body just as much as faster ones.

    These are really good tips and even through I have been running for six years now they still apply.

    1. Thanks Bec :) I appreciate the comment. Any recommendations for a good watch?
