Monday 2 November 2015


Where to begin, I've had so much to share and just haven't found the time (or the motivation) to put a post together.

Loving: that I can finally feel our little boy moving, pretty frequently! It is such a weird/neat feeling, and I love every time I feel him. I also felt incredible joy this morning waking up to a clean, mostly organized house- my mood is so much better if I start the week that way versus chaos/messy.

Loathing: The cooler temperatures that are creeping in, I've never really been a fan of winter- maybe for a week at Christmas and that's it. I struggle with the dark mornings, the crappy road conditions, and the feeling that summer may never come again (dramatic, I know).

Eating: Leftover Halloween candy (of course), and drinking fizzy water like crazy- which seems to be a bizarre pregnancy craving.

Reading: a few novels on my kobo: "Not My Daughter" by Barbara Delinsky (a story about a teenage pregnancy pact, in a small conservative town); "The Good Sister" by Drusilla Campbell (Follows the adult relationship between two sisters, when one commits a crime). Side-note, I love my new kobo- Kyle got it for my birthday, in anticipation of being able to read at night when I'm feeding/rocking the baby and I can tell I'm going to get a lot of use out of it. It's also waterproof which is going to be perfect for the lake this summer/reading in the tub!

Listening: I'm planning on getting Adele's new album. I'm also looking forward to breaking out the Christmas albums soon, though not too soon or else I'll get sick of them!

Anticipating: Meeting with our midwife this week, hopefully that appointment will be informative and reaffirming. There were quite a few reasons (another post) why we chose a midwife vs: an OB to be our primary provider during the birth- however I am incredibly grateful that I've gotten a spot! In Alberta, there are only 80 midwives for the whole province, so it's hard to come by their services; especially since it is now recognized/covered under our health care services.

Working On: the easier question would be what aren't we working on. The two biggies are: 1) a new budget for our family *thanks SW for your help in this! So grateful, and; 2) cleaning out our den to turn it into a nursery for the little man. It's one of those rooms that was extra storage/Kyle's office during school so it's needing a major purge. I'm hoping to take progress pictures as we work on it- though I may be too embarrassed to show you what it looks like right now!

That's all for now, happy Monday sweet readers.


  1. The baby moving around feeling is so wonderful...and alien, hahaha. It's so weird when you can SEE the baby moving, later on.

    1. It was very weird, because we saw him moving like crazy at our 19 week scan but I couldn't feel it yet! Now I feel him mostly at night, sometimes in the afternoon too.
