Monday 28 September 2015

Revisiting September

I can't believe September is just a few short days away from being done. Where did the month go?! It seems like the older I get, the faster time goes... I'm looking forward to October, mostly because of Thanksgiving! Bring. On. The. TURKEY!!! Below is a recap of how I miserably failed at my September goals ha-ha. 
  1. My "golden" birthday. Turning 24, on the 24th! I'm sure it won't be anything spectacular- I like low key, but I'm still excited. This one wasn't a goal, so I'll consider it a success. I was so spoiled for my last baby-free birthday! Flowers delivered to the office, cupcakes from my best coworker/work wife, thoughtful and perfect gifts from family, and a delicious dinner date with my husband to finish the night off. Wouldn't have changed a thing. 
  2. Getting back into routine, I really want to strive to have more of a schedule in our life. I'm not a spontaneous person at best, so I really am my best version when I'm organized. I don't even know whether to consider this a success or a fail. I think I'm naturally more in routine, just because that's what happens with more going on in the Fall... However, I'm not nearly as organized as I would like and I feel like I'm pushing things on the to-do list instead of crossing them off. 
  3. Sign up for some yoga classes (perhaps prenatal). Friends, has anyone done prenatal yoga before? Is it super lame? I have a pass to use up that I bought from a friend- so I would like to go once a week, at least to start. Ultimate fail. Didn't even look into it, luckily my pass doesn't expire so this is something I can carry into October. 
  4. Make a budget for our family. (This is pretty much done) and actually stick to it. I really want to move before baby comes, or shortly thereafter. We don't "need" more space (as in it's possible to stay where we are), but would like more space, and a backyard for Onyx. This is going to take some serious buckling down, but I'm sure we can do it. Another sort of fail. We haven't been bad with our spending, but I know we could be more careful with extras. 
  5. Start exercising on a regular basis. Nothing too crazy, since I still don't have a ton of energy and am still pretty sick on a regular basis. I think I can handle walking Onyx in the evenings though, and maybe swimming once a week. I can't even. Such a fail it's not even funny. I'm going to blame this one on still being sick and exhausted. 
  6. Be more consistent with Onyx's obedience. She's learning, but we really need to work on the recall and not jumping and pulling before baby comes. See #4, the key word is consistency. We need to keep working with her. 
  7. Start doing daily devotions again. It's so vital, and I know that this is an area I've really been falling short in. Gah, total fail! I need to start this asap. 
  8. Excited to have friends over weekly to watch the newest "Walking Dead" spin off, I really love having people over, and hosting- even if it's just for a few hours. This has been successful, and fun. I'm realizing that all the ones I got done in September were the fun ones ha-ha. Greaaat. 
  9. Find at least one new event per week to check out in Edmonton, *bonus if it's free!. Kyle knows I'm always finding "cool things" that end up being total duds but he tags along anyhow and entertains my notions haha. (I'll try to post the events as I find them). Hit and miss, I wouldn't say it happened weekly- but we did check out several new events: Farmers Market (St. Albert), Movies in the Park (Churchill Square), Drive in Movie (which was cancelled, boo), and a baby items sale next weekend (Spruce Grove). 
  10. Try at least one pinterest idea per week. Whether it's a project, recipe whatever- and of course report if it's a total success/fail. I'm calling this one a win, because I'm using several pinterest ideas for our upcoming gender reveal!! (October 8th, I'm so thrilled). 

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