Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Nathan turns ONE

Twelve Month Update: Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas: 12 Month Update (03.03.17)

Weight: 20lbs 3oz
Length: 28 inches
Head Circumference: This measurement, and his weight/length have always remained around the 45-50 percentile range at his appointments. 


-Had his first haircut (shortly after his first birthday). It's pretty dorky and of course I videotaped the whole thing *first child syndrome*. I think Kyle will take him next time to his regular place to see if they can do a better job.
-Back to almost all non dairy. He was having some serious crying spells at night, so we decided to eliminate the dairy again to see if that helped. He loves almond milk, and we are going to talk to the pediatrician at his check up to see what else can be done.
-Talks non stop: Mommy, daddy, whee, bye bye, yummy, puppy, and his made up words haha.
-Gets himself to a complete stand without pulling up on anything, though still hasn't taken full "steps" yet. He is JUST on the brink of walking 
-Started at his first dayhome, as I've gone back to work. It's going REALLY well, and I couldn't be happier with the person who is taking care of him.


-Playing with Onyx. He hands her ball to her, and loves watching her run around. It's the cutest.
-Watching out the windows, and all the space he has at our new house. Including the stairs! (Baby gates went up asap).
-Playing more interactively with toys (driving cards, doing puzzles etc).


All the same dislikes as the previous month haha. He's a pretty determined little boy, so if he wants to go somewhere you better not try and hold him back or he'll let you know he has had enough. Doesn't like the food you thought he'd love, just throws his entire lunch to the dog... awesome.

Still not a great sleeper, I have to remind myself "he's only one, and this won't last forever" though some nights it sure feels like it.

Getting ready for his cake! Thanks, Aunty Leeann for organizing his cake- it was perfect!

Sugar Coma. Haha, not quite sure what to do with his "cake smash". 

The "unofficial" zebra photo, he was having none of it. 

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