Tuesday, 18 April 2017

13 Month Update: Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas: 13 Month Update (03.04.17)

Weight: Still at the 20lb mark, I'm guessing it will plateau for a bit until he starts walking. 
Length: 28 inches ish. 
Head Circumference: This measurement, and his weight/length have always remained around the 45-50 percentile range at his appointments. 


-Had the stomach flu for the first time, does this count as a milestone haha? It was bad, at one point he was vomiting every 15 minutes, poor baby. We ended up having to take him into emergency (due to the frequency, and how much bile he was puking). They gave him some zofran, which luckily did the trick, and he was pretty much back to normal within 24 hours. Just in time for me to get it, then Kyle the next day. ENOUGH PUKE!!
-Learned how to "brush off his crumbs", Auntie Katelyn taught him and it is the cutest thing.
-Celebrating our 2nd Easter this year... pictures to come on how he does with the Easter Bunny! He did great with Santa, so we will see. **
-Took his first steps (15.04.17). We bribed him with one of his new crayons, and he took six steps. He walks along furniture, and along the wall and is definitely standing a lot more often. I can't wait to see him walk confidently more often!


- To clap his hands. He grasps his fingers together as he does so, and it's the cutest thing.
- Laughs all the time while in his carseat. Nothing will be going on, just driving along and he just starts cackling up- it cracks Kyle and I right up.
-Still loves to nurse, will this kid ever wean haha. Mostly we are down to just night-time, sometimes during the day on weekends. I'm glad I can still provide easy comfort, though it's tiring.
- Blackberries, strawberries, corn, black beans, very much a "snacky" eater.
- To drive his cars all over the house, and play in his paw patrol ball pit.


- The Easter Bunny, see photo below. **verdict, not a fan. He threw a fit, and was TERRIFIED. We ended up taking an impromptu family photo because Kyle had to hold him.
- Being still for anything, getting dressed, being held, this boy is a mover.
- Being hungry... or should I say hangry like his mum. Nine times out of ten, if he is cranky- it usually means he is hungry. Poor guy, that won't change anytime soon if you are anything like mummy.

Don't be deceived by that little smile, it lasted for only a few moments and if the bunny touched him, he freaked. 

13 months, and our world. 

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