Thursday, 19 January 2017

Ten Month Update: Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas: 10 Month Update (03.01.17)

Weight: 20lbs 
Length: 26/27 inches
Head Circumference: This measurement, and his weight/length have always remained around the 45-50 percentile range at his appointments.

*His measurements are a guess this month, but he "feels" about the same weight to me. 


-Two new teeth, bringing that to a grand total of SIX. Four tops, two bottom. The last two on top have really affected nursing, his latch isn't great (very shallow) which means it hurts me and he likes to bite. I'm happy that we've done so well with breastfeeding up until this point.
-Tried homo milk for the first time, he likes it- but only cold from the fridge, he spits it out if you warm it up for him.
-Drinks out of a straw cup (really well), and out of a sippy cup quite well. He is very "lazy" and doesn't hold his cup often by himself, and likes someone else to hold it for him.
-Talking like crazy. It seems this month his "words" and sounds have exploded. He calls the dog "Bah goht" whatever that means, and loves to shriek at an ear piercing volume.
-Trying to stand unassisted, hasn't happened yet but he is getting close.


-Shrieking, and copying whatever sound mum and dad are making. He is definitely a little parrot.
-Jumping in his crib (instead of sleeping, of course).
-Silly noises of all kinds, and being tickled.


-Does not like being told "no", he puts his face down on the carpet and shrieks.
-Throws himself back in your arms if he doesn't want to be held.
-Not a big fan of "cuddling" or rocking (unless I'm nursing him). He's constantly on the go and wants to be checking things out for himself.

Waving "Bye Bye"

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