Nathan Lucas: 9 Month Update (03.12.16)
Weight: 20lbs
Length: 26/27 inches
Head Circumference: This measurement, and his weight/length have always remained around the 45-50 percentile range at his appointments.
-Four teeth! Two bottoms and two tops. They are sharp, and he loves to bite everything!
-Waved "bye bye" for the first time (NYE) at my parents house. It's SO cute and now he does it all the time/on command and loves all the attention he gets from it.
-Sleep is getting better, we've been working with the sleep consultant (laugh if you want, but she did give us some great advice). Nathan is learning to put himself to sleep, without any "crutches" (rocking, nursing, singing etc).
-Met Santa for the first time, and he did AMAZING. He was by far the cutest baby in line (no bias, obviously). Seriously though, the pictures are to die for.
-Waved "bye bye" for the first time (NYE) at my parents house. It's SO cute and now he does it all the time/on command and loves all the attention he gets from it.
-Sleep is getting better, we've been working with the sleep consultant (laugh if you want, but she did give us some great advice). Nathan is learning to put himself to sleep, without any "crutches" (rocking, nursing, singing etc).
-Met Santa for the first time, and he did AMAZING. He was by far the cutest baby in line (no bias, obviously). Seriously though, the pictures are to die for.
-Standing, at just about anything. He pulls himself up in the crib all the time and on to any piece of furniture he can manage.
-Swimming, he could be in the pool for hours. Our little water baby.
-Swimming, he could be in the pool for hours. Our little water baby.
-Spoon feeding, again Mr. Independent has to do everything himself. He's a good little eater, and usually will try everything we give to him.
-Sometimes "getting into" his carseat. He's fine once he's buckled in- it's just the sitting down and getting strapped in part he isn't a fan of. I always have to have a new object on hand to distract him.
-Sometimes "getting into" his carseat. He's fine once he's buckled in- it's just the sitting down and getting strapped in part he isn't a fan of. I always have to have a new object on hand to distract him.
He is SO CUTE, oh my gosh. It didn't even occur to me that there would be sleep consultants for babies, that is genius.