Monday, 11 July 2016

Three Month Update: Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas: 3 Month Update (03.06.16)

This post, as well as the one that will shortly follow (4 month update) are greatly delayed! I have kept up with my monthly photos- however the blog updates have been grossly neglected. Our summer has been busy, and it has taken me longer to get into a new "routine" (read: still struggling to find said routine). 

So without further adieu: 

Weight: 13lbs 1oz
Length: 23.5 inches
Head Circumference: ?? We only take these at his paediatrician appointments (every two months!). 


-Has started to laugh (This happened just shy of three months, and now he laughs all the time).  
-Talking much more often, makes several different noises and sounds. 
-Discovered his feet, and loves holding on to them. 


-Playing "peek-a-boo", especially with Daddy, 
-Starting to play while standing in his exersaucer, though still needs a pillow underneath. 
-"Watching" TV, haha. Anytime he has the screen in sight he is mesmerized- though I think at this point it's more the colours and motion that catches his attention. 


-Starting to notice when someone is not in the room with him during awake/play time. He doesn't like to be left "alone" for too long (like when mummy is trying to put away laundry!). Luckily he is pretty happy being moved around the house in his chair or on his play mat. 
-That not so sweet time right before he falls asleep. This kid fights sleep like nobody's business- and then crashes hard. *Still! We have to find that magic time when he isn't too awake but not yet totally asleep. 

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