Thursday, 19 May 2016

Two Month Update: Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas: 2 Month Update (03.05.16)

Someone needs to tell me where the last month has gone, because I am not entirely sure! As I'm writing this in anticipation of Nathan turning two months old (in just a few weeks), he is sound asleep in his bouncy chair. Our sweet little boy has no clue that he is the most precious gift to his dad and I, and we are in awe of how lucky we are to be his parents.

Weight: 11lbs 15oz
Length: 23 inches
Head Circumference: 39.9 cm


- Has had several eight hour stretches of sleep, and averages 6-8 nightly. 
-Becoming much more alert, and recognizes familiar faces. 
-Has begun to smile (this actually happened at around 6 weeks). 
-Making more "cooing" noises, such as "oh" and chatting away to himself. 


-Bath time (still!), he is incredibly calm and content while in the bath. 
-His bouncy chair or any type of movement. 
-Sitting by Onyx (assisted) and feeling her fur. It is the cutest thing to watch, and of course we make sure he is very gentle with her. 


-Waking up. I'm serious, this boy is like his mom. He has a hard time waking up, and cries if it is done too abruptly. We turn on the lights slowly and gradually wake up in the mornings haha. 
-That not so sweet time right before he falls asleep. This kid fights sleep like nobody's business- and then crashes hard. 

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