Friday, 13 January 2017

Seven Month Update: Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas: 7 Month Update (03.10.16)

Weight: ?? I'm guessing around the 18lb mark. 
Length: 26 inches
Head Circumference: This measurement, and his weight/length have always remained around the 45-50 percentile range at his appointments.  


-Beginning to pull himself up on to objects, and stand with the aid of furniture. He loves to stand and "walk" with our hands helping him. He also has begun crawling up on to things, such as his bouncer chair. 
-Loves to eat almost anything. We still give him cereals and purees, but he loves more solid foods such as: cheerios, banana, strawberries, pancakes, and even had lasagna! 
-Got his second tooth (bottom left), the top ones look like they will come through soon.  
- First Halloween, we dressed him up as a giraffe!


-Standing, mostly at his bouncer chair and pulling the toys. 
-Crawling/getting into things he shouldn't such as: cords, dog food, Onyx's crate (he is obsessed with), her water dish... I'm sure you see the pattern.   
-Taking showers with daddy. He has pretty much outgrown his baby bath tub, and loves having showers now! 


-Still bedtime, haha. It's getting better as the teething is settling down... but it's still a struggle for him to settle himself. Usually once he is down, we will get one 6 hour stretch, and then another 3-4 hour stretch. I'm hoping this will lengthen, and he will get a bit more sleep at night, though I can't complain as he is very happy during the day and naps quite well usually.
-Being told "no", though I'm sure he doesn't understand the word- he isn't a fan of being moved away from something he'd like to play with (such as the garbage can, or the bone Onyx is chewing).

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