Saturday, 27 August 2016

Back at it. On running, and other ramblings.

Just completed my first run since having Nathan. I almost feel embarrassed writing that, since he is coming up on six months... but then I remind myself- "hell no, good on you for running, Heidi when you felt like binge watching Netflix and eating ice cream".

Seriously though, those ten minutes were brutal. My legs feel like jello and thank the good lord that my app is telling me tomorrow is a rest day. For those of you who run, what do you think of the revamped Nike run app? I'm not a fan- and from what I've read, neither are lots of other people. I hope Nike takes their customer feedback seriously and brings the old app back.

I'm hoping I can get back into the swing of things... though I'm going to have to figure out winter since I no longer have a gym membership. I'm too much of a pansy to be one of those hardcore winter runners... Phew, I know I'm getting ahead of myself- I'm only on day one of back to running haha.

Some crap is going on with us, both personally and with loved ones- so I was glad to be able to push through that tonight and have a good release. Even though I didn't go for long tonight, and it was much slower than I had been previously running at- I could tell it was a good way to de-stress.

In other news, I had a banana bread-pocalype at our house the other day. Just as I was pulling the loaf out to check it, I dropped it somehow over the Are you kidding me. It was a b&@^ to clean, and the worst part was I didn't have delicious bread to eat after all was said and done. Well, that's all for now- I need to get to bed.

Oh, one more thing! I'm looking forward to the routine that Fall brings, and as much as everyone's posting about pumpkin spice this, I'm really not that into PSL. I know, shame on me. Christmas drinks are where it's at, and please don't be angry at me for bringing up Christmas when it's still August... but I could drink gingerbread and eggnog latte's all year round- though it's a good thing I don't since they have a zillion calories in them.

Ok, for real bedtime. Peace!


  1. I. Hate. Pumpkin spice. Hahahaha. I almost dread fall because I get so sick of hearing about it all the time.

  2. Also!!! You rock for getting out for a run. I didn't do any sort of regular exercise until Ginny was like...3, if that makes you feel any better, haha!

  3. Also!!! You rock for getting out for a run. I didn't do any sort of regular exercise until Ginny was like...3, if that makes you feel any better, haha!

  4. I also don't like pumpkin spice at starbucks, but a home made one, ahhhh so good! I love pumpkin spice scented things though!

    1. I also love pumpkin scented, and pumpkin pie actually
